Monday, 23 April 2018

Meditation and Mindfulness retreat in the Surrey Hills. Spring 2018.

An impromptu retreat this time by way of this little last minute deal.  Drove down for a lovely weekend living in the wild woods with no power or hot water.  

Was a great chance to really connect with nature and 'notice' things on a deeper level; which is mighty easy when you're laying down amongst it!  :-)  

Was lovely and soul nourishing. Looking forward to another longer and totally 100% silent retreat later in the year... 

I was so lucky with the weather, the second day started very early with glorious sunshine and fog, swiftly clearing to a bright golden warm day!  wow.  

There were about 6 huts on the site in the remote woodlands which you couldnt drive to, you had to park and walk across some fields and down a muddy track to get there.  

Each hut was small and had just beds in and a tiny wood burning stove which was gloriously cosy at night.  The solitude meditation sessions were done where ever you wanted,  I loved walking and choosing my spot that felt right each time.  
The bluebells were all out in bloom and whilst didnt smell individually - the collection in the woodland was intoxicating.  beautiful.   

At night the woods were not quiet, they were filled with wondrous nature sounds of tawny and barn owls, pheasants, partridges and deer, along with the crackling from our huge fire pit where we did a session on the nights as it came in dark with the bats swishing about overhead.  

 I loved how this woodland had so many dead trees! An odd thing to admire perhaps but they leant themselves well to places to sit or as a host to other living newer nature such as lichen and moss and a cacophony of bugs! 

Through the middle of the woods was a lovely gentle stream which at the farthest point was more of a babbling brook, I found that meditating facing the upper bank was ideal around early afternoon here as the sun reflected off the ripple of the water and then projected that moving live image constantly onto the moss clad steep bankside behind it.  It was mesmerising!  

Next to my hut was a hammock attached to two tall fur trees, I wasnt sure to begin with, after having seen many humorous videos on youtube etc of people almost eaten up by a hammock and falling out.  After a couple of minutes I'd got in!  right. .... now its time to try and lay back and see what happens.....?


TADAAAAAH! did it. phew.  oooh its rather lovely!  Now then, how to get out? no idea, will stay put for a while..... :-) 

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